Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Pets For Vets --

Pets For Vets is an organization that benefits shelter dogs and U.S. veterans with PTSD, by matching vets with dogs who match and complement their personalities and needs.  The dogs' lives are saved (they are all from animal shelters) and the vets' lives are enriched and often also saved (there are millions of dogs who are euthanized in shelters each year for lack of homes ... and, also each year, there are thousands of veterans whose lives are lost to suicide).  This is a very worthwhile organization with chapters throughout the country. Their website at has a map that shows the location of their many chapters.  I note that there are no chapters in Tennessee as yet; I hope there will be one soon.  But for Tennesseans there are chapters in neighboring states that can be contacted.

Also (and this is how I learned about Pets For Vets) there is a Katie Couric video called How Shelter Dogs Are Helping U.S. Veterans Battle PTSD.  It's an awesome video that features several veterans, each with his/her special dog companion.  The link to the video is:

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